Note to Self
Note to Self: Read this when you are stressing about ANYTHING... What happens to us after we die? Does our soul depart our earthen shell and rise up into the heavens like we see in the movies? Or does our soul wander the earth? Do we have souls? What picture comes to mind when you think of heaven? Is it a place you look forward to or does the thought of heaven seem boring? Are there many heavens? Is heaven in the here and now or in the hereafter? There are different ideologies on the concept of heaven and eternity in our world. According to Hollywood, everyone goes to heaven. From the murderous gang lord who dies in an all-out gang war to the wild, hedonistic pop star. Some think of heaven as a depot for all departed souls to reunite, others think of it merely as a place to do nothing but sing and be merry, while others do not believe in the existence of such a place at all. Alas, this is not to debate over theological concepts but to state a simple truth: HEAVEN is ETERNAL PERFECTION....